Saturday, July 18, 2009

End of the First Day In SF

After meeting Erika up, we headed back towards the pastry store, but turned a street before reaching it to go towards Japan Town instead. We hung out at the shopping centre to figure out our itinerary for tomorrow. Taking a few minutes to do that, we finally walked around the place to enter a little shop full of paper and pencils. Damn those creative Japanese people! I ended up calling Kim to see if she needed any oragami paper for her cranes for her wedding. After purchasing a good amount, we headed out before sundown so we wouldn't get stuck in the dark with the weirdos.

For some reason I was being observant and noticed a restaurant with weird writing and asked if it was some sort of Lebanese restaurant, instead it was the Thai restaurant we were looking for. It was so subtle, we totally would have missed it if I didn't say anything. The place was a little bigger than House of Nanking, but the food wasn't any better. I could get better in the LA county at Banana Bay, but I did enjoy their Duck Curry with pineapples. We headed towards the hotel afterwards.

We got ready before we headed out to see our friend Justin, who lives near USF. He took us to a little bar called Pigs and Whistles. There he asks me, Erika and Cookie what we wanted to drink. Being the big drinker that I am, I asked for a glass of water. We sat around, caught up on what we've been doing, took some pictures, and watched Erika and Cookie take some shots. Then it came time to call our cab. Cookie needed air so we stepped outside to keep her company and also wait for the cab. Unfortunately Cookie really didn't feel great and needed to rush to the restroom, but considering the circumstances and the distance, we knew, and so did she, that she wouldn't make it. So, Justin pointed to the nearest corner for her to spill her recent consumption of alcohol and dinner, as well. In all cases where someone barfs up something, they eventually feel better and back on their feet before you can say, "ew."

We are now here, back at the hotel, after laughing at the situation and the news about the splatter I received on my foot from the barfing. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day: lots of walking, some Indian food, lame choco factory, and more people watching.

Mobile Blogging from here.

Friday, July 17, 2009

More SF Part III

We headed back to the hotel after eating at the House of Salty Food aka House of Nanking. Yes, the food was salty. Each time an entree was brought out, I swear the salt increased. We ordered orange chicken, which isn't an original Chinese entree, glazed eggplant, and crispy noodles with braised fish. I use glaze in a loose term, practially everything was glazed. There wasn't a difference in the sauce within each entree we ordered. They should have just cooked everything in the same pan to save them the time and the trouble. Can you tell I isn't enjoy it? I think Daniel hyped it up a little too much.

So, after a little rest and a few episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond, Cookie dragged me outta the hotel for a brisk walk towards a pastry store she wanted to check out. What we thought was brisk ended up being a few miles up and down hills of downtown. We knew we were somewhere else once the crowd started to fade. With the help of our iPhone, we found a convenient, and correct, way to get to Delanghe. Passing through a neighborhood that resembled Full House style homes, and noticing we were close to Japan Town, we finally saw the pastry store. To our amaze and sweet cravings, we stared at each dessert trying not over drool in front of the guff, French baker. Our desire to try everything left us to order each flavor of almond macaroons, a plum scone, and a fruit brioche. We only have so little pennies to pay for our cravings. So now we venture back to meet Erika half way on Bush St. Oh yeah, that's right. Erika stayed behind cause she was too tired from the drive. Haha

Mobile Blogging from here.


We're in China Town, a walking distance from the Marriott, where we're staying. Actually, a lot of the places we want to go to is walking distance, so it's very convenient.

Our co woker told us to check out House of Nanking, so that's where we are, about to order our first lunch in downtown San Francisco. It's very crowded, a little small, but quite popular from the look of the line we saw when we got here. I ordered hot tea assuming I'd get the usual pot and small cups, instead I'm served a huge beer mug like cup with a ball of flower at the bottom. I'm waiting for it to cool before I start sipping.

Erika just got done ordering our food. I have yet to see and taste this famous restaurant's food. I'll let you know how it goes.

Mobile Blogging from here.

San Francisco Road Trip Part I

Just got done sharing a skinny, greasy Sourdough Breakfast sandwich from Jack In the Box, plus two hash brown sticks. We are 207 miles away from our destination, tons of snacks left, and a lot more music to go through on the iPod. It's all but yellow parts around here with the constant distraction of slow trucks on our right. Tons of pictures when I get back, for sure.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer Part III

I hate you heat! I hate how you make me perspire because you think it'll cool me down, instead I feel gross and sticky, even paranoid that I might be stinky. I hate how you make me feel like a sloth, just a sluggish sloth with nothing else on my mind when damn well I know I've got a list of things to do. I hate you heat! I hate how I can't eat anything because I feel that every food that touches my tongue will instantly make it dry. And don't get me started with the sugary drinks you make people crave! I can't enjoy that either because my mom doesn't buy any of that. Oh, heat... how I loathe you! I warn you though, the minute I see myself a shade darker I will coop myself up in the house until you are gone, and fall has come to greet me with his presence!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

An Update For The Sake of Updating

Watched a ton of movies in the past week while trying a new buffet restaurant.

Had a wonderful 4th of July with my family, Lang, and delicious food.

Had fun going on a promised spending spree, twice, and ordering a massive amount of pastrami on everything!

Experienced a tiny culture shock at Venice beach and had awesome food as well.