Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's Been A While

Haven't forgotten about pictures from SF.. Just been a tad bit busy.

Family from the Philippines are here.

My last couple weeks of summer school and I'm super stressed cause of my research paper.

And as of today, it'll be a week until I leave for the Philippines.

Hopefully I'll have access to a computer everyday when I'm there. I wanna try and update as much as I can, especially with pictures.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

End of the First Day In SF

After meeting Erika up, we headed back towards the pastry store, but turned a street before reaching it to go towards Japan Town instead. We hung out at the shopping centre to figure out our itinerary for tomorrow. Taking a few minutes to do that, we finally walked around the place to enter a little shop full of paper and pencils. Damn those creative Japanese people! I ended up calling Kim to see if she needed any oragami paper for her cranes for her wedding. After purchasing a good amount, we headed out before sundown so we wouldn't get stuck in the dark with the weirdos.

For some reason I was being observant and noticed a restaurant with weird writing and asked if it was some sort of Lebanese restaurant, instead it was the Thai restaurant we were looking for. It was so subtle, we totally would have missed it if I didn't say anything. The place was a little bigger than House of Nanking, but the food wasn't any better. I could get better in the LA county at Banana Bay, but I did enjoy their Duck Curry with pineapples. We headed towards the hotel afterwards.

We got ready before we headed out to see our friend Justin, who lives near USF. He took us to a little bar called Pigs and Whistles. There he asks me, Erika and Cookie what we wanted to drink. Being the big drinker that I am, I asked for a glass of water. We sat around, caught up on what we've been doing, took some pictures, and watched Erika and Cookie take some shots. Then it came time to call our cab. Cookie needed air so we stepped outside to keep her company and also wait for the cab. Unfortunately Cookie really didn't feel great and needed to rush to the restroom, but considering the circumstances and the distance, we knew, and so did she, that she wouldn't make it. So, Justin pointed to the nearest corner for her to spill her recent consumption of alcohol and dinner, as well. In all cases where someone barfs up something, they eventually feel better and back on their feet before you can say, "ew."

We are now here, back at the hotel, after laughing at the situation and the news about the splatter I received on my foot from the barfing. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day: lots of walking, some Indian food, lame choco factory, and more people watching.

Mobile Blogging from here.

Friday, July 17, 2009

More SF Part III

We headed back to the hotel after eating at the House of Salty Food aka House of Nanking. Yes, the food was salty. Each time an entree was brought out, I swear the salt increased. We ordered orange chicken, which isn't an original Chinese entree, glazed eggplant, and crispy noodles with braised fish. I use glaze in a loose term, practially everything was glazed. There wasn't a difference in the sauce within each entree we ordered. They should have just cooked everything in the same pan to save them the time and the trouble. Can you tell I isn't enjoy it? I think Daniel hyped it up a little too much.

So, after a little rest and a few episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond, Cookie dragged me outta the hotel for a brisk walk towards a pastry store she wanted to check out. What we thought was brisk ended up being a few miles up and down hills of downtown. We knew we were somewhere else once the crowd started to fade. With the help of our iPhone, we found a convenient, and correct, way to get to Delanghe. Passing through a neighborhood that resembled Full House style homes, and noticing we were close to Japan Town, we finally saw the pastry store. To our amaze and sweet cravings, we stared at each dessert trying not over drool in front of the guff, French baker. Our desire to try everything left us to order each flavor of almond macaroons, a plum scone, and a fruit brioche. We only have so little pennies to pay for our cravings. So now we venture back to meet Erika half way on Bush St. Oh yeah, that's right. Erika stayed behind cause she was too tired from the drive. Haha

Mobile Blogging from here.


We're in China Town, a walking distance from the Marriott, where we're staying. Actually, a lot of the places we want to go to is walking distance, so it's very convenient.

Our co woker told us to check out House of Nanking, so that's where we are, about to order our first lunch in downtown San Francisco. It's very crowded, a little small, but quite popular from the look of the line we saw when we got here. I ordered hot tea assuming I'd get the usual pot and small cups, instead I'm served a huge beer mug like cup with a ball of flower at the bottom. I'm waiting for it to cool before I start sipping.

Erika just got done ordering our food. I have yet to see and taste this famous restaurant's food. I'll let you know how it goes.

Mobile Blogging from here.

San Francisco Road Trip Part I

Just got done sharing a skinny, greasy Sourdough Breakfast sandwich from Jack In the Box, plus two hash brown sticks. We are 207 miles away from our destination, tons of snacks left, and a lot more music to go through on the iPod. It's all but yellow parts around here with the constant distraction of slow trucks on our right. Tons of pictures when I get back, for sure.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer Part III

I hate you heat! I hate how you make me perspire because you think it'll cool me down, instead I feel gross and sticky, even paranoid that I might be stinky. I hate how you make me feel like a sloth, just a sluggish sloth with nothing else on my mind when damn well I know I've got a list of things to do. I hate you heat! I hate how I can't eat anything because I feel that every food that touches my tongue will instantly make it dry. And don't get me started with the sugary drinks you make people crave! I can't enjoy that either because my mom doesn't buy any of that. Oh, heat... how I loathe you! I warn you though, the minute I see myself a shade darker I will coop myself up in the house until you are gone, and fall has come to greet me with his presence!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

An Update For The Sake of Updating

Watched a ton of movies in the past week while trying a new buffet restaurant.

Had a wonderful 4th of July with my family, Lang, and delicious food.

Had fun going on a promised spending spree, twice, and ordering a massive amount of pastrami on everything!

Experienced a tiny culture shock at Venice beach and had awesome food as well.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer Part II

I have to change my "designing once a day" to designing once a week. I can't do it daily because of work, school, homework, reading, working out, and spending time with Lang. I figured I could find time when Lang is at work late on Friday and on Saturday when I have no school or work and Lang is at work.

Still no bike adventures, but Cookie, my best friend, showed my sister and I a very cool trail nearby. It's called Peter's Canyon on Jamboree. I took Lang there last week. It's very challenging the first time because of all the inclines and steep hills, but it has such a wonderful atmosphere and surrounding that I can't seem to get enough of it. My goal is to climb a treacherous hill and maybe, one day, bike the trail. I'd have to change my tires for that, but I'm very up for the challenge.

The past week I cooked Sloppy Janes, which is a smaller, healthier version of Sloppy Joes and Spicy Tofu. I'm gonna keep trying to learn how to cook and especially overcome putting more spices because my food is quite bland and I always find myself putting sauce on it because I just didn't put enough of spice or sauce to begin with. Lang took his turn by making Taco Salad. It was delicious! You'd think that a taco salad couldn't get you full, but I was stuffed after my first serving.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Part 1

My goal for this summer:

- design at least once a day
- re decorate my room
- eat less
- save money
- workout six times a week
- walk my dog
- lose some inches in the waist
- lose weight for Kim's wedding
- get an A in my summer class
- learn to cook a meal once a week
- survive the flight going to the Philippines
- survive three weeks without Lang, Erika, and my dad
- survive the flight going back to the states

Mobile Blogging from here.

I like oatmeal

I tried an oat and flax flavored oatmeal today. At first I thought it was strange that they would consider oat a flavor. Shouldn't they just call it regular. Anyway, I thought it would be bland and I would have to force eat my breakfast. Surprisingly, it was sweet. I just gotta get through this box and then I'll get the steel cut oats.

Such an adventurous post huh? Hehe. At least I'm still on topic ;)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Will Post Whatever I Want To Post!

First off, happy sushi day!

Second, my blogs are on track! I talk about food here and there. AT LEAST I blog, right? Right!

I would talk about cycling, but I haven't gone because someone doesn't want to get his tire fixed professionally. He wants to do it on his own. Boys...

Actually, I did go cycling the other day. It was quick, but it felt good to get on the bike. My mom, dad, and I walked the dogs around our neighborhood but once we got back Daisy didn't want to go back inside. I decided to see if she could keep up with me, so I took her along with me as I rode on the bike. She did pretty well for a good thirty seconds, but I guess I was going way too fast for her so she stopped which made me stop abruptly and almost made me fall off my bike. I walked her back inside after that.

Lang and I went to the Long Beach Aquarium on Wednesday. It was SO cool! We started off on the first floor, but since the otter show was gonna start soon, we headed upstairs without going through everything downstairs. There's so many interesting fishes under the sea! The jellyfishes were awesome, the sexy shrimp was sexy, but my favorite was the tank filled with Nemos! I told Lang that I wanted to have a tank filled with Nemos at our house. I'll post up pictures on my Flickr when I get home.

We ate at Dave's BBQ afterwards. We ordered half of the meal that comes with everything, like ribs, brisket, chicken, wedges, corn, beans with pork, coleslaw and these awesome corn muffins. We got the order that feeds two, but really it can feed four and it only costs $40! Cheap, huh? For all of that I would have to say so. They also have their own sauces. My favorite was the Devil's Spit. At first it wasn't spicy like the waitress had said, but as I kept dipping my wedges into it and lathering up my brisket and chicken I started to feel the heat in my mouth. It was a good spicy feeling because it wasn't too hot where I had to keep drinking water. The ambience was very southern, duh. I'm sure with a party it's much better, but with just us two for lunch it wasn't so bad. All in all I liked it. It was sort of like Lucille's but I seem to have liked this place a little bit better.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Back on track

Okay it's time to bring this blog back on topic, foodcycle, right?

Well the cycle part has been missing altogether. That's partly because my bike is out of comission. It suffered a flat a few weeks ago and I haven't figured out how to fix it yet. It's something you don't think about, but when you're five miles away from home, a flat can turn any day into the lamest day ever. Thankfully, my baby rescued me. :D. I really need to fix my bike.

As for food... I don't have a anything cool to write about. I have been thinking a lot about oatmeal lately, specifically steel cut oatmeal. Steel cut oatmeal is oatmeal that is not rolled, so it's fluffier and apparently is better for you. My problem is that it takes soooo much longer to cook. I guess I could make a lot of it and then freeze portions of it to reheat each morning. Also, it's plain, so I gotta put other stuff in it to make it tolerable. On top of that, it's more expensive. And this is the main problem with health food today. It's too hard to cook, too expensive, and oftentimes too bland. It's no wonder, people are getting fatter and fatter. They gotta figure out how to make the food more appealing... You know other than just the health benefits. Having said that, I plan on switching to steel cut oatmeal after my current supply of instant oatmeal runs out.


Avoiding This

PIt was a very busy week last week.

I had to get use to my new work schedule.

I had to know what it felt like to not have Lang around.

I had to get ready for a wedding.

I worked on a Flash project all week, actually I still am.

I'm trying to come up with designs for a MySpace.

Been contemplating on a new website, but before that I have to get my portfolio straightened out.

Trying to get my workout schedule and determination and discipline together.

Lots and lots of stuff.

Expect more updates, hopefully. Ha...

Lang and I at the wedding. Look! He's wearing a barong!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


This is silly, but I feel really empty knowing the fact that he's not in the same county as I am, knowing that I can't drive a couple hours to even see him.




Sunday, June 7, 2009

Been Busy

This weekend was incedibly busy.

I got stuck babysitting the whole weekend.

Worked on Saturday, but was able to catch two movies after babysitting.

Helped cooked on Sunday, got some rest, and then tried to finish proof sheets for UnderGround.

Got a project from Dan that I have to finish by this week.

Got my schedule for this week. Changed my hours, which means I start working on Mondays now.

I'll elaborate some more once I get everything straightened out.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Stupid App

I'm so irritated with this app! I can't upload images until the update comes out. At least I paid only $.99 instead of $9.99 which is the price now.

Mobile Blogging from here.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What A Baby!

Oops, I missed the Simpsons.

Renn: "I don't wanna go home!"

Be More Descriptive

My mom came home from work today a little later than usual. I was getting dressed while I heard her call out to me. I went to her to see what she needed and she asked me to go with her to Michael's and Jo-Ann's. I agreed and went back into my room to tidy up a bit. As I was sitting on the computer, I could hear her asking my dad a few questions, something about animals. I couldn't really hear with the TV turned up and the announcer describing the Lakers game. After a few more calls I came out of my room to accompany my mom with some errands she wished to run.

In the van my mom decided to ask me the same questions as she had asked my dad.

Mom: "Describe what you think a dog means to you."

Renn: "Furry."

Mom: "A cat."

Renn: "Yucky."

Mom: "A rat."

Renn: "Disgusting."

Mom: "Coffee."

Renn: "Bitter."

Mom: "The ocean."

Renn: "Salty... What does this all mean?"

Mom: "A dog is what you think of yourself (laughs). You think you're furry."

Renn: "Uh huh... Hmm..."

Mom: "A cat is what you think of your partner. You think Lang is yucky!"

Renn: "...and a rat?"

Mom: "...is what you think of your enemies. Coffee is what you think your love/sex life is. Your dad said the same thing as you!"

Renn: "Ehh..."

Mom: "And the ocean means your life."

Renn: "Great. I'm furry and my partner is yucky. My dad and I think the same about our sex life. What kind of game is this?!"

Later on that night, while we were watching TFC, I decide to ask Lang the same questions. And his following answers were:

Dog - "Nice."

Cat - "Alright."

Rat - "Alright."

Coffee - "I don't like it."

I forgot what he said about the ocean, but whatever! He doesn't like coffee!? Fine! No more coffee for him! Haha... Mmhmm!

This is me at Disneyland next to the churro stand. I did not get a churro that day. I'll tell you more later. Gonna go join Lang and watch the last seven minutes of the Simpsons.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Schooner Or Later

I finally, finally, finally got to hang out with Cookie after several months of not seeing each other.  She's been M.I.A. and so have I.  I'm sure school and work just got in the way and on top of that conflicting schedules.  Oh!  Cookie is my best friend.  My sister and I share her.  I've known her since I was in junior high.  We have been though so so much.  I love that girl.

She intially invited me to go hiking with her at Peter's Canyon near Santiago Canyon College, but unexpected rain stopped us from going.  We planned on going to brunch right after we hiked, so we did that instead.  She picked the Filling Station at the Orange Circle, but once we got in the car she mentioned Schooner Or Later and described how it overlooked the marina where the boats park.  How awesome is that to have breakfast, outside, while you have a view of awesome looking boats?  Sounded pretty good to me.  I was sold and was on our way towards Long Beach to Schooner Or Later.

Cookie was scared that we might have to wait an hour to be seated, but I figured it's Monday and it just rained, I'm sure no one will be there waiting to eat next to the boats, I mean, unless it's us. So we got there and what do you know?  No one was there and we were seated quickly.  The menu for breakfast was pretty good.  I skimmed through it pretty quick and landed on french toast.  French toast topped with fresh fruits... YUM!  Cookie got half the Mess.  I didn't get to that, but she said it was everything all mixed together with toasts on the side.  Pretty much it's eggs, bacon, potato, and cheese holding everything together.  Dab some Tobasco sauce on that and you're good.

Since we were in Long Beach I asked Cookie if we could stop by 4th street so I could check out a couple stores.  We went in Imonni, which is a vintage clothing shop.  I found a really cute summer dress but decided against it since the material was so thin that I'd have to wear something underneath it, like a whole body slip.  I left the store empty handed which is pretty good on my part since I'm usually impulsive in that store.  Our next stop was another vintage store that had clothing and furniture.  I'm trying to see the price range on vintage furniture for my future shoppig on house stuff.  It's so crazy expensive!  It's old stuff!  Why is it so expensive?!  On our way back to the car we passed by a restaurant that I've been wanting to check out, Noodle + Beer.  The inside if very modern looking and looks very chill.  The plate setting itself was really nice.  That is on the list under Korean Pizza and the other sushi restaurants Cookie wants to try.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lang & Renn

Hello, hello!  A little introduction about the bloggers by the bloggers:  

Lang: "Renn is very creative... she likes to watch 3D movies, loves coconut yogurt, likes to collect toys, but doesn't need any of them... and... likes to waste time on the computer."

Renn: "Lang is a poo head.  He likes to Facebook about his poop.  He's so cool that he got a fixed gear bike.  We argue a lot about where we should eat because HE can never decide, hehe.  He also likes to cut his own hair, but I like it when it's long."

Both met each other through a friend last summer and has been dating since October of last year.  They go on tons of adventures, like bike trails, new restaurants, new destinations, etc.

Renn: "I wanna travel and go hiking in different states!"
